Trak Quarterly Update / Jan-Mar 2021

The first three months of the year have been busier than ever at Trak. We’ve had a number of new partnerships announced, while also working on and releasing new features. Here’s what we’ve been up to so far in 2021.
Master Plumbers Victoria
For our users in the plumbing industry, the partnership with Master Plumbers is an exciting one. It gives Victorian Trak users the opportunity to purchase digital copies of Master Plumbers certified SWMS, even if they’re not members. This means after purchase, they’re able to use the SWMS on their Trak account. You can find out more about the partnership and access a full list of SWMS titles on this page.
You can now create Scripts for your quotes, invoices, orders, notes, SWMS. You can also mark the script as uncategorised, so that it shows up for all features, including jobs! Create the scripts on the Template page, then use them by clicking on ‘Scripts’ in the description of your chosen feature and selecting the relevant one from the dropdown.

Custom Filters
We understand that users don’t necessarily want to see all results for items created in-app, such as jobs, quotes, invoices, and reports. To combat this, we’ve added many different filters which allow you to reduce the number of results. However, each time a page was refreshed, these filters were cleared. Now, users can save their custom filters so that they will keep each time you return to that page. All you need to do is press the arrow next to apply once you’ve added filters, and click ‘Save filter’ as shown below.

Trak was selected by the Victorian Government to partner with them in the Small Business Digital Adaptation Program, which gives new and old Trak users the opportunity to apply for a $1200 rebate to use in-app. The deadline to apply has been extended until the 30th of June, or until funds are exhausted, so there’s still time for you to register your business! Find out more information here. We even have a special deal available for the program participants.
Net Days for Clients
We’ve noticed that many businesses that use Trak have different payment terms for different clients. To help with this, when you’re creating a client, you can now enter their specific ‘net days’ which will become the default when creating any invoice on their job.
Status Editor
Previously, you could only change the status of a job by editing the job or on it’s Details page. Now you can edit the status from any page within a job, simply by clicking the arrow next to the jobs name.

Updated Share Screen
We’ve updated the way that you share items through Trak. You now have greater flexibility when it comes to designing the email you’re sharing with the recipient. You can choose the ‘from’ address, add a subject line, format the message to your liking, and add extra attachments to the email. To view a before and after of the share screen, click here. As always, if you have any questions about the new updates, or any requests for future features, please let us know by Thanks to all of our users for your continued support. We wish you all a happy and safe Easter break.
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